Norsonic Nor133/136 Multi-Purpose Vibration Meters
The Precision Vibration Meters Nor133 and Nor136 are designed in accordance with the ISO 8041 measuring instrumentation standard for human response to vibration. In their basic versions, both meters are well suited for measurements of whole body and hand-arm vibration measurements.
Optional upgrades allow for the measurement and analysis of vibration in buildings, ships, vehicles and public transport systems and general vibration measurements in accordance to international and national standards. The Nor133 supports 3 measurement channels while the Nor136 supports 6 measurement channels suitable for both, Hand-arm and whole-body vibration measurements.
Whole Body Vibration
Hand-Arm Vibration
Machine Vibration
Ship cabin vibration
Ground Vibration
Hand Arm vibration to ISO 5349, EN/2002/44/EC
Building Vibration measurement to DIN 4150, ISO 2631, BS6472
Ship cabin vibration measurements to ISO 6954
General machine vibration – data logger
6 channels (Nor136) in whole body mode
Graphical and numerical display of all channels simultaneously
Large memory capacity with SD memory card
Records the raw data signal for later analyzed in NorVibraTest
Powerful post processing software NorVibraTest
Complete range of accelerometers for HA and WB measurements
Multi language
Comment channel
Supports, IEPE, Charge, AC and DC voltage sensors
Data export to National Instrument DIAdem software
Option 3: Level versus time – This option stores all the measured data every second. It is mainly used for building vibration or other monitoring applications
Option 4: DC and charge input – This option enables the use of charge accelerometers and DC sensors
Option 5: Extended standard support level 2 – This option adds support for DIN 4150-2 Structural vibration: Impact on humans in buildings, DIN 4150-3 – Effects of vibration on structures, ISO 4866 – Vibration of Fixed Structures and BS 7385-1 – Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings
Option 6: Data export to National Instruments DIAdem software – NI DIAdem is software for managing, analyzing, and reporting data collected during data acquisition such as from Nor133/136 and/or generated during simulations. DIAdem is designed to meet the demands of today’s testing environments, for which quick access to large volumes of scattered data, consistent reporting, and data visualization are required to make informed decisions. For more information about this software visit
Triaxial miniature accelerometer for hand-arm or general vibration measurements
Handle adaptor plate for triaxial accelerometer Nor1287 for hand-arm vibration measurements
Triaxial seat pad accelerometer for whole body vibration measurements. 100 mV/g (*)IEPE type)
Triaxial Velocity Sensor (Geophone). 26 mV/mms-1 * (1 Hz / 500 Hz when frequency compensated)
1.5m triaxial cable for connecting a Norsonic triaxial accelerometer to Nor133 / Nor136 vibration meters, fitted with 4 pin MicroCom connectors
1.5m triaxial cable for connecting a Norsonic triaxial accelerometer to Nor133 / Nor136 vibration meters, fitted with 4 pin Lemo connectors
5m triaxial cable for connecting a ZEB/GS3T Geophone to Nor136 vibration meters
TNC to microdot adapter
BNC to microdot adapter
NorVibraTest (supplied)
A powerful tool for post processing and creation of measurement reports based on captured raw data. The program is mainly made for assessment of human vibration measurements. The program handles up to 6 measured vibration channels. The program requires that the Nor133 or Nor136 is equipped with option 1, raw data recording. The program recalculates the different indices based on the raw data signal according to the selected standard. The user can merge several measurements done at different workstations to obtain the total A(8) value.
NorVibConverter (supplied)
This software converts .vcd or .vlt files from the 133/136 into a .txt format.