ACO Pacific, Inc
Leading the LeadersTM – Over the years ACO Pacific, Inc. has taken a quiet approach, offering innovative products to North American and International markets.
Recent additions: “The SLARM” TM – an innovative SoundLevel Alarm and Monitor system offering wired and wireless alarm and data, the ACOtronTM preamp family, and the 7052PH-Type 1.5TM Phantom Powered Measurement Microphone Package.TM The “ACOustical Interface”TM System, the “Extremely Random”TM Noise Generator, “The Alternative” Family of Type 1 and Type 1.5TM measurement microphones featuring stainless steel or titanium diaphragms, “Simple Intensity”TM Systems, the ACOustiCapTM, ACOtronTM electronics and more, all aimed at providing both End-Users and OEMs cost effective solutions to their acoustic measurement needs…
and the Leaders Followed…TM
Check out ACO Pacific’s Webpage here.